Document binding
Archivit offers document binding services, complying with the legislation and the client's requests.
We ensure a personalised analysis of your needs and we promptly answer, through our partners, to all the document processing requests, in accordance with the National Archives Law (no. 16/1996) and the technical rules regarding the activities developed within the National Archives.

When do you need document binding services?
If your company has the obligation to send the archive to the National Archives, then it is also mandatory to bind the documents, using cardboard covers and following a set of strict rules.
If your company isn't part of this category, you do NOT have the obligation to bind your documents. In other words, the document binding service isn't necessary for you!
You don't know exactly what category your company fits in? Do you have any uncertainties regarding the procedures you need to undertake for different types of documents? Archivit offers you, as appropriate:
archival consulting services, in order to correctly understand the legal obligations you need to obey as an archive owner or document manager
binding services, through our partners, once you identify a necessity of this kind. We suggest that we analyse together the necessity of requesting document binding services, before you take the best decision for your company.
Binding standards
The document binding services offered by Archivit through its partners, comply with the standards required by the legislation: the documents are binded using cardboard covers and hemp rope and then, they are chronologically grouped into binders which contain 250-300 pages etc.
Besides strictly following the binding standards, we guarantee your company's requests to be carried out with rigour and attention to details.