The development strategy and paramount values ​​of S.C. ARCHIVIT S.R.L. regarding storage and archive management services are devised to provide the highest quality services, to meet the stakeholders’ expectations in order to satisfy their requirements and comply with legal requirements and applicable regulations.
In order to achieve this scope, S.C. ARCHIVIT S.R.L. top management has implemented the management system of quality, environment and occupational health and safety according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards, being aware of the fact that this will ensure the possibility of identifying the potential for continuous improvement of the organizational performance.
Quality, environment and OSH policy and objectives are compatible with the company's context and strategic direction, including the nature, scope and environmental impacts of its activities, products and services. Quality, environmental and OH&S management system requirements are integrated into the company's business processes. Staff are encouraged to promote a process-based approach and risk-based thinking for all activities carried out.
The identification of the necessary resources for the quality, environmental and OSH management system is a priority for ensuring compliance with the identified legal requirements of the system and achieving the intended results, promoting verified improvement through review meetings and proposed measures.
In order to provide a solid basis for the development of the quality, environment and OSH management system, the following policy and objectives were established:
the continuous improvement of the stakeholders’ satisfaction with the products provided, the services rendered and the way of collaboration;
improvement of the quality of services and maintaining the brand image;
compliance with contractual terms;
mployees’ motivation;
positive economic-financial results;
compliance with legal and regulatory requirements;
renewing and maintaining the certification of the quality-environment-OSH integrated management system.
The Company management promotes a policy aimed at reducing the negative impacts of its activities on the environment, without thereby affecting the quality of the services provided to clients. The declared environmental policy aims to establish the directions of action of the activities specific to the environmental management system and to serve as a unique and permanent reference. The proposed directions for performance are:
compliance with the requirements of Romanian and European environmental protection legislation for the services offered, as a measure of adaptation to such requirements;
prevention of pollution that may result from the performed activities;
continuous improvement of environmental performance.
The General Manager of the Company guarantees that the activities carried out are planned and controlled, and the declared environmental policy is compatible with the other policies of the Company.
The general objectives regarding environment are the following
adopting actions, when appropriate, adopting measures necessary to improve the quality of environmental factors;
keeping activities under control to eliminate risk factors;
improving internal and external communication;
informing staff about environmental issues.
The Company General Manager promotes a policy aiming to identify and mitigate the risks regarding occupational health and safety.
The top management commits to:
ensure safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and diseases, which are appropriate to the purpose, size and context of the company, as well as the specific nature of OSH risks and opportunities;
comply with the legal provisions in force and other occupational health and safety requirements applicable to the specific domain of activity;
ensure an adequate framework for setting the OSH objectives;
ensure the identification, assessment and improvement measures regarding safety and health at all workplaces by eliminating hazards and reducing risks for all personnel;
continuously improve its OSH management and performance in such a way as to prevent occupational injuries, accidents and illnesses;
provide training for professional development and knowledge of individual obligations in the field of health and safety at work;
ensure the conditions for consultation and involvement of workers and workers' representatives in the field of occupational health and safety.
The top management, being aware of the importance of strengthening a prominently positive image, of fostering the organization's credibility and customer satisfaction, commits to provide all the necessary resources for the implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the integrated management system - quality, environment and OHS.
This policy will be brought to the attention of all employees, for them to understand the importance of their role in its implementation and will be reviewed annually, in order to establish its continuous adequacy, along with the organization development. In order to perform these tasks, the General Manager is supported by the Integrated Management Manager and the process responsible staff whom the General Manager will assist for the performance of the agreed actions. The entire staff is responsible for the thorough acquisition, knowledge and firm application of the provisions of the integrated management system documents according to the responsibilities defined in these documents. Efforts will be made to raise the quality level of the services provided so that any problem can be solved promptly, according to the highest standards.
Date: 01.07.2021